Konner is a Lamborghini look a like an eco helicopter


 The Konner Helicopter K1 is the first helicopter in the world to be produced with a turboshaft engine designed to run on diesel or bio diesel fuel.

Konner K1 helicopter 

New helicopter, new engine... the Konner K1 is an unusual two-seat helicopter powered by the Italian company's own turboshaft engine.

It's taken ten years for the company to research, designed, develop and build the Konner K1. As well as having a FADEC gas turbine engine, the airframe of the K1 is also constructed from carbon fibre composites. It's intended to type certificate the helicopter to Europe's CS-27 rules.

Konner K1: Diesel UL helicopters from Italy

For ten years the engineers working in Amoro, near Udine, in the new two-seater, and his drive. At AERO, the helicopter with the designation K1 was now his debut.

Built by Sergio Konner 


The compact, light weight (MTOW 450 kg curb weight 290 kg) flies with a self-developed gas turbine, TK250 for about three years. It provides 250 shp and is equipped with the latest generation FADEC.According to Konner Flying has never been so easy. With more than 500 flight hours in total have five prototypes, the performance of only 50 kg lightweight motor that can withstand both diesel fuel and kerosene, can prove. According to the manufacturer, the travel speed of the K1 is 115 kts (213 km / h), the VNE at 135 kts (250 km / h). The rate of climb is 2600 ft / m (800 m / min). The range is estimated at 320 NM (592 km). A special feature of the helicopter is its unusual, contributing to the stability fin at the rear. She was efficient, says technical director Erich Konners Dario, and as a design element also very nice. Konner assumes that the admission of K1 can be done in the UL Category end of 2014. Thought is for the helicopter flight training, whereby primarily of a market outside Europe to be released (Brazil, South Africa, Australia and China). There are 47 orders. As "AERO-goodie" to the first 50 customers who order via website, will receive a special discount on the purchase price. www.konnerhelicopters.com at the AERO in Hall A6. 

With more than 500 flight hours in total five prototypes have the services of only 50 kg lightweight motor that can withstand both diesel fuel and kerosene, can prove.
Photo and copyright: Strecker

Location of Konner Helicopters

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