Helipark GmbH is Chinese tactic to mass produce copters

Helipark GmbH is getting ready to seize the Chinese market share of light copters

One focus of the development work of the Helipark is currently in the conceptual design of light helicopters for the 450 kg of the 600 kg category.

450 kg the project is based on a draft of the company co-founder Walter Myrzik. Been designated as the prototype WM50 and renamed under Helipark in HPC450 helicopter is based on the already established standards in some European countries, which are currently being developed in the Federal Republic of Germany from the DAEC and Dulv for this category.

HPC 450 直升机  http://www.sxqingyun.com/ProductView.Asp?ID=19
Helipark also developing a two-seat helicopter VL accordance with EASA CS-VLR specifications (MTOW 600 kg). The eligibility for this project acc. EASA is provided at the end of 2015.


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